Off Season Bodybuilding Advice from Dorian Yates
The off-season is here, and that means one thing, bulking up over Winter, right? Well yes, but I don’t call it bulking. Traditional “bulking” often means try...
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The off-season is here, and that means one thing, bulking up over Winter, right? Well yes, but I don’t call it bulking. Traditional “bulking” often means try...
For this blog post, we’re going back in time to May 27th 1992, near the start of his contest prep. We’re going back to the dungeon, the lair of the beast, th...
With an industry as saturated as the fitness and supplement industry, with hundreds of different products available in an array of fancy packaging and with m...
Throughout my bodybuilding career, both as an amateur and professional, and even beyond that till this day, I always practised improving my flexibility and m...
For this blog post, we’re going to be taking you through a true, ‘Blood & Guts’, high-intensity leg workout that six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates perfor...
Dorian here, let’s talk about calves! There are more misconceptions about calves than any other muscle group. This is perhaps because of the big variance in...
We’ll start this blog by asking you a question, how much sleep do you get per night? Now keep a mental note of the answer and read on to explore just why get...
So here you are, standing outside the gym. Perhaps it’s your first time visiting such a place or maybe you’ve been a few times now and are starting to get in...
Designed to give you that surge of energy and unparalleled mental focus to help increase the performance of your training sessions, pre-workout supplements a...
In this world of make-believe, it’s easy to forget who you are and where you came from. Maybe even more so when we’re talking about the universe of fitness ...
Progressive Overload or HIT training? A common question for a lot of people but which one should you start using? Let’s talk about the strategies serious bo...
This is one common question for all those who are hitting the gym. And the shortest, most honest answer is: whenever you feel like it. Your motivation, as w...